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Listenet Logo With No Background: white 3.5mm audio cable wrapped around a gradient blue triangle that fades on its edges
Your personal music player

Your music

Browse and play your library of purchased music and ripped discs, whether it's stored on your device, on an external USB-C drive, or on an SMB network drive.

Never worry again about losing access to the music you love due to licensing issues.

Plenty of formats

Listenet supports direct playback of popular audio formats with no transcoding, including FLAC, MP3, AAC/M4A, Apple Lossless, WAV, AIFF, and more!

Spatial Audio

Listenet supports Spatial Audio with multichannel audio files, including 5.1, 7.1, Atmos (mp4), and more!

Play Spatial Audio on supported AirPods and USB/HDMI audio devices that support multichannel audio output, such as AV receivers.

Native app

Listenet is a native iOS and iPadOS app, built with SwiftUI. It supports Siri, Shortcuts, CarPlay, and other system features with more being added.

It has a clean and simple UI to keep you focused on finding and playing your music.


Listenet supports music with sample rates up to 382KHz and can automatically set your DAC's sample rate to match your music.


Listenet is completely standalone. No computer or server running special software 24/7 is needed to play your music, although streaming from an SMB network drive is supported.